College or “uni” I guess they call it in some places

  1. Around here, that means that they had top grades in school to get into that field of study and will have a high chance of getting a high paying job in a profession in dire need of more professionals doing that job.

    Most I know are great people who used their studies not only to understand themselves better, but to help people in bad situations or with mental illnesses to cope with their life.
    Some of them will most likely add the qualification for psychotherapist as well.

    And yes, most of them are professional enough to not analyse everyone close to them.

  2. Not a fan. The psychologists I’ve met sit there and diagnose all their friends without thinking about how it will affect them, ESPECIALLY when it turned out to wrong 99% of the time. Also hate the fact I couldn’t just sit and relax without being psychoanalysed.. I was self conscious about everything I said.

  3. That they’re about to analyze the hell out of me and figure out I’m secretly wildly unstable 😂

  4. Better than majoring in criminal justice, I guess. Lol, I actually don’t care. No one’s major matters to me.

  5. Obviously not 100% of everyone who was a Psych major, but assuming they have no plans for graduate/beyond education.

    But some combination of three categories:

    1.) In terms of first impressions, I’m assuming this first group thinks that Psych 101 gives them access to some UnknownTruth^TM that the peasantry isn’t knowledgeable of/concerned with.

    2.) They had no clue WTF they wanted to major in, they just went with Psych to check the bachelor’s box.

    3.) They may or may not have legit issues themselves and did Psych to take a crack at the whole “understanding themselves” angle. Now, whether or not this group actually acknowledges that is an entirely different question.

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