Those of you who’ve walked out on first dates, what was your “I’m getting the hell out of here” moment?

  1. She broke out a calculator and CHECKBOOK to pay for EXACLY her share, plus EXACTLY 15% tip, on a sub $20 meal. That was a little too OCD for me.

  2. She said she was 22 and didn’t have nor want children. Arrived at the date looking 35 with her 3 year old. I let out an audible “ha”, got up and went to the casino.

  3. >we get to the dessert part and I ask her cake preference as I peruse the menu

    “Well I’d really like chocolate ice cream cake at the wedding”

    Then imagine a reverse Goodfellas as I pay off the waiter and sneak out through the kitchen.

  4. she kept looking at her phone, I’d talk to her and she wouldn’t reply until she finished texting someone. we saw a movie and she was texting during the movie, I tried again to make small talk and and she rejected.
    after the movie we were supposed to get dinner, but I just left and walked home at 11pm

  5. Only done it once. She turned up and wasn’t what I expected. She was a similar height to me (and I’m tall, wouldn’t be an issue if she hadn’t lied about her height), smoking (which I don’t like) and the first thing she said to me was “I really need a piss”.

    She made fun of people and when we went for food she complained to the waiter for several reasons and really wasn’t nice to him. She then spoke about all dates she’s had, and *all the dates she’d already had that week.*

    I was really put off her for those plus other things but I was being polite enough and going along with the date until I realised her train home was at 5pm and it was 1pm when we finished food. Later went to the bathroom for 20 minutes and later complained I didn’t join her to ‘give her one’.

    She asked me what time it was, I said her train would be coming soon – and I have no idea how she believed it – and so I walked her to the station and left her at about 2pm for her 5pm train.

    I got a barrage of abusive texts and then a sorry and never heard from her again.

  6. We met up to smoke a bowl and grab a drink. By the time we ordered a drink at the bar, I could tell she was on some kind of pill. It was most likely percosets as she mentioned them in passing during our convo. Once she started falling off the barstool I felt like I needed to get a pizza in her and drop her home. By the time I got back to her place she was passed tf out, called me Connor, and said “at least I give great head”. I told her she was home and to leave my car.

    PS. You can check my post history for a more detailed version of the story.

  7. Back in Uni, I swiped right I was going to meet a tall redhead with an interest in Psychology. I’m 6’8″ but my expectations of what constitutes “tall” are basically over 5’11”. I ended up meeting a 5’5″ girl whose interest in Psychology was actually people-watching and judging what people were wearing. She also gave me absolutely *zero* indication of interest, so I figured cutting my losses was no big deal.

  8. We saw a movie and took a drink afterwards. Both time she talked like shit to the employees. I never contacted her again.

  9. I met up with him for a kayak daate. He brought a friend, which was weird but whatever. They dropped the truck off at the other end of the river and i stayed with the kayaks. His friend got in and basically left us alone. I had never been in a kayak, so i was already nervous. We had to get out, and go a lil ways to get to the other river and i said “hey can you help me get out so i dont fall in the water, im not sure how to do it without falling” and i was laughing about it. He helped me out and my kayak fell a bit and i asked him to grab it and lift it up the hill for me. He started SCREAMING at me, “IM NOT HERE TO BABY YOU”. i dont remember everything he said but i just stared at him while he yelled, i said ok bye and started walking back to my car on the trail. He was still yelling “THANKS FOR WASTING MY TIME” as i walked away, I turned around, winked and gave a lil finger gun and shouted “You’re Welcome Bud”

  10. She asked many question. This sounds like perfect date, considering you normally have to lead the conversation. But she just asked questions about my parents, where they live (house/apartment, rent/bought) and their jobs. At this point I knew I need to stand up and go.

    Another one kept her phone open next to her left leg and looking/scrolling at it while I talked to her amd asked questions. I thought that is too stupid and went out before we even ordered.

  11. She mentioned her boyfriend.

    Didn’t even wait for the server to come back with the refill on my water. Literally got up and left.


  12. Reading all the crazy stories in this and similar threads make me wonder if I’m a very picky or just boring, as nothing even remotely similar has ever happened to me.

  13. My friends set me up with a girl once. We met for high tea and she complained that there was no alcohol. That was the first red flag. But she seemed interesting and didn’t mind that I’m not exactly tall, dark and handsome, so I continued.

    After tea she wanted to go to a bar to keep talking. In a lack of judgement I obliged. She gets two drinks in and turns on a dime. She went from respectful to gross, smiling up a storm, complementing me on my appearance and touching me on the hand. As in on the first date she put her hand on mine.

    I excused myself, paid the bill secretly, and left without saying goodbye. I promptly blocked her on my phone and told my friends that we just weren’t compatible, leaving her creepiness to myself because she was his friend.

  14. Blind date, girl shows up, she smells horrible from chain smoking. Almost gagged the moment I met her.

  15. Second date, but she said she was an atheist. Really physically attracted to each other, but I’m very religious, and we need to both be on the same page there if we’re gonna build a life together.

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