What do you do against dry and chapped lips?

  1. exfoliate at least once a month, use lip balm or petroleum jelly when it feels dry

  2. Drink enough water. I’m serious. This helps so much. You need to drink at least 2 to 3 liters per day.

  3. Exfoliate once a week especially in the colder months and usually apply healing ointment by aquaphor every morning and night

  4. Try Senka perfect aqua lip balm(pink, tube packaging) if you can get your hands on it. The thickness and consistency is lipgloss like but not sticky at all. It has a faint orange scent and is thicker than petroleum jelly. I find petroleum jelly and thinner lipbalms aren’t moisturizing enough. Put a generous layer at night and scrub your lips in the morning, tbh I usually just wipe the lipbalm left with a tissue and it does the job.

  5. Exfoliate and lots of coconut oil or Vaseline. And STOP USING ANY FORM OF CHAPSTICK. Seriously, your lips get addicted to that shit. I stopped using chapstick like 7 years ago and now I only get chapped lips when I’m actually sick or super dehydrated. I was a non-believer until I tried for myself, it’s incredible.

  6. I use an aloe all purpose cream and then when i start to notice tightness, CARMEX. Especially at bedtime.

  7. Sugar scrub (literally just sugar and water for me tbh) for when it’s winter and chappedness gets worse.

    Also, Carmex. Carmex everywhere. Lol I keep one in the car, one in the pants pocket, one in the purse, one next to my sink for after I brush my teeth 😂

  8. I am a big fan of this lip mask called Dew Care: Plush Party. I moved to a dry climate last year and it’s been my little life saver. During peak of my driest days I’ll have to apply it a few times during the day. But the day after, there definitely will be in an improvement. The friend that recommend the product to me said I’d get faster results if I also put some on before I go to bed but I always would forget to do that 😅.

  9. Make sure to get your water in, that’s number one! My lips are always chapped too but I use o’keeffe’s lip repair and it’s a miracle in a tube.

  10. Make sure you are getting enough water and that you are retaining it well enough as well, if not try some form of electrolyte hydration tablets for water.
    A good skin care routine if you get chapped lips a lot, I have a terrible habit of picking my lips when they are dry so this is sort of crucial for me.
    Try a lip scrub, a hydrating lip balm or one that soothes (all depends on how bad your lips are, I test a lot of different ones) for during the day whenever they start to dry out and a lip mask for when you sleep.
    Do not lick your lips at all because this will make it worse and you will get dermatitis.
    If you have super chapped lips, you can also try just normal black or green tea bags on them as a warm compress. This will help with soreness, redness and swelling and it’s also very good for hydration.
    Hope this helps

  11. Burt’s Bees lip balm! The only thing that saved me from dry chapped lips that I had for countless years since I was a kid!

  12. The isadora lip oil. They dont have it in my local douglas rn,so i use vaseline instead!

  13. I went through Accutane. Petroleum jelly on your lips at night, Cortibalm when they’re cracked and painful, cocoa butter to keep them hydrated.

  14. I use a coconut oil and sugar body scrub in the shower. Including on my lips. It has helped immensely.

  15. I used to get dry and chapped lips all the time, even if I moisturized and used lip balm. It stopped completey as soon as I stopped using toothpastes with SLS regularly.

  16. Drink lots of water.

    Switch toothpaste brands (my lips crack if I use Colgate or Crest, I switched to Sensodyne).

    Sugar scrub (sugar and olive oil or coconut oil, dab it on, scrub, wash it off).


  17. My lips rarely get chapped now because I’ve used Carmex religiously the past few years lol. I recently started using a lip scrub too which makes them even softer.

  18. I use chapstick a bajillion times a day. May not be the solution everyone wants lol but it’s what I do.

  19. https://imgur.com/MvkZKki.jpg this stuff. I just thought it was another gimmick or just another way to spend more money on this brand. No, I put this on before bed and I never have to use chapstick. I live in Massachusetts and this winter was so cold. I didn’t get chapped lips at all.

    I swear by this stuff. Go to Ulta or Sephora and look for the Too Faced section. I forgot how much it costs but I can’t recommend this enough.

  20. Aquaphor!!! I drink water and do all that as well, but aquaphor helps me so much (as long as you’re not allergic to the lanolin(?))

  21. mario badescu lip balm, I bought it on a whim to get free delivery 😏 and now I can’t live without it!

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