I get the feeling that people forgot how to behave like adults. Nowadays when you have a opinion it feels that no matter what you say you are screwed. They spin around your words in order to make you look bad even though you just said something ordinary. You want to know my opnion? As long as you dont hurt anyone i dont give a single damn what you are. Gay, Trans, Non binary, female or whatever. Just be a decent person and you are Ok in my book. These days everything is about being on one side. Cant i just be on no side? I just want to be left alone with all this drama. These movements were a good thing and showed some serious issues in society. These were kind and respectful people who wanted to show kindness and love to others and wanted to raise awareness and have serious disscussions about certain issues. Then some biggots came and started calling everyone a phob when they didnt agree with something. You know what happend next? People stopped listening to the core of the message. The minority ruined the core aspect of all of it. And now you are either annyoed of all of it or scream your lungs out. Is it really so hard to just be an adult about this and talk instead of shouting and accusing people? Arent we better then this?

Sorry for the rant but i really needed to get this of my chest.

  1. It’s true that sometimes people can be harsh or unkind to one another, and it can be disheartening to see. However, it’s important to remember that not everyone thinks or behaves the same way. Some people may have difficulty with communication, empathy, or self-expression, while others may have strong opinions and be unwilling to compromise.

    At the root of many conflicts is a lack of understanding and a failure to see things from other people’s perspectives. If everyone took the time to listen and understand each other, the world would likely be a kinder and more understanding place.

    It’s also important to note that social movements and discussions about important issues can often bring up strong emotions and opinions, leading to heated debates and disagreements. However, it’s possible to have these discussions in a respectful and constructive manner.

    In the end, it’s up to each individual to choose how they want to behave and interact with others. By being kind, understanding, and respectful, you can help to create a positive and inclusive environment, regardless of differences in opinions or beliefs.

  2. To me, it sounds like you’ve been surrounded by people like this growing up. And now, you seem to attract them in your life. But then again, there are a lot of people who are messed up. Our world isn’t exactly what we would like it to be. I do hope you have a lot of people who will prove you wrong though. We all deserve to be with people who behave well.

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