How important to you is it that you look good both physically and fashionably for your significant other?

  1. Doesn’t matter what my SO think. I dress the way I dress cause I like it. I work out because I like it. Doesn’t matter what any one else thinks.

  2. It gives you confidence it gives you a bit of certainty that you have pride in yourself. That will improve because you can then you will more than likely be more positive which leads to a positive relationship.

  3. When I had one, she picked out my clothes for events and dates because she knew what looked good on me. It was cute and never got old/annoying.

  4. It’s not important to me in the slightest that I look good for her, I want to look good for me. My physique and fashion is an expression of my personality, not hers.

  5. Not as much with regard to fashion, but for general health, it’s very important to me. I can’t expect my woman to look good for me if I’m not willing to look good for her. And staying attracted to each other certainly makes the relationship “easier” in some ways.

  6. It’s very important to me. I believe one of the tricks to maintaining the spark in a relationship is to never stop trying to impress your partner. Staying fit and dressing well is a big part of that.

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