I’m so happy that I finally got someone who might become my first ever college friend after over half a year of extreme loneliness (minus discord friends). We have a couple classes together, so bump into each other multiple times a week, and we live on the same floor.

I was finally able to work up the courage to reach out to him and ask for his number, and now I sit with him in our classes. We’ve had a few text exchanges, but at this stage, I don’t think he’d text me unless I texted him first (but he does seem happy to respond), and he seems to have other friends he hangs out with.

It feels weird to continually reach out to him first and ask what he’s up to and see if I can join some hangout with his friends or something. I already asked what he was up to yesterday and he was tired, so I don’t know if it’s appropriate to do it again today.

What do I do at this stage? Is it better if I try to find ways to meet up with him one-on-one or if I try to join him with his friends? Also how often is it appropriate for me to do that?

1 comment
  1. Let it roll naturally, you don’t want to come across as clingy or needy. If he is ready to bring you into his group of friends, he’ll know what to do.

    Find opportunities to work with your other classmates, eg study together, work on homework/assignments or share resources. Friendships are usually built through some common interests/goals.

    Outside of school, you can try and do some volunteer work that benefits people/animals, it will make you feel not so lonely. When you spend time thinking of others, you won’t focus on yourself too much.

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