I (25M) just got a job that I was in desperate need for. One of my coworkers (20M) is the one that let my wife’s friend know there was an opening. However, he didn’t put a good word for me or anything. Now he is supposed to teach me how to close the register at the end of my shift. He’s the only one who knows how to do it, besides from the manager, since the other employee who’s been here for a year never bothered to learn. I do want to learn how to do it since I did it at my previous job, which was even harder, only in this new place there is a different method. Anyways, this guy only comes for a couple minutes a night to close the register and he’s got the manager (who’s a very kind and reasonable man) by the balls, since he has to rely on him for closing. However, he’s not doing very much in the way of teaching me, only brushing off a little bit and has a really condescending and passive aggressive attitude towards me, often humiliating or mocking me when I make a mistake he clearly knows I’ll make because he hasn’t taught me yet. This seems to have intensified since I made a mistake at the register on my second day of work that caused a short but was entirely my fault and I immediately called the manager to let him know/take the amount off my paycheck, of which he was entirely understanding and forgiving. Now, I’m used to work with mature, respecting people and always do my best to earn that respect but for this guy doesn’t seem to be the case. I want to know how to best deal with this situation and his character. Thank you.

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