I’ll say rich people are more generous. From my experiences.

  1. Personal opinion. The rich in terms of amount of wealth and monetary benefit but poor in the amount of selflessness and care. Both equally have the same impact.

  2. I guess that depends on what you consider generous. Is it generous to give something away that literally has no impact on your life in any real way, or to give something away when you end up significantly going without, because someone needed it more?

  3. From scientific studies. The poor.

    In general though it’s a tricky thing.

    Plenty of rich people can easily part with money, plenty of poor people are tight fisted because they need to worry about making rent.

  4. look at it from percentage of wealth point of view. when someone with a networth of $100,000.00 donates $200.00 to charity, it is equivalent to Elon Musk donating $377,200,000.00.

    if you look it at from a utility point of view, the difference is even bigger. when the poor donate, they have to miss out on something. a rich person can donate to charity and still buy a new phone in the same month.

    and finally, the appreciation is almost non existent when a poor person gives to charity. when was the last time you saw on the local news: teacher donates $200.00 to children’s hospital.

  5. Poor. Because even when they give tiny amounts it is a big deal for them. The rich might give millions of dollars but it doesn’t make any difference to them they are probably burning more than that in pointless things anyway.
    A person who has one loaf of bread in the kitchen sharing half a loaf with someone is generous. A person who has a stocked up pantry full of food sharing a few things from it is not generous.
    Not the best example probably, but I have seen situations like this play out in real life.

  6. Generosity can come in many forms. One example I’ve seen is summed up in three “Ts”:


    Not too long ago on a road trip, I helped a lady check the air pressure on a tire and offered suggestions on where she might be able to inflate on her own. It didn’t involve any element of Treasure, but she was grateful for the Talent, and it wasn’t really all that much Time since I had stopped to rest already. If I had an air pump though (something an ex of mine did own), I would have gladly helped her in kind. That would have involved a little more Time.

    Once, I had my car stop running on a highway and pulled over. Someone stopped by and suggested my fuel filter was bad; he of course couldn’t replace it but had tools enough to bypass it, telling me to promptly address it. That was his generosity of Time and Talent, and my benefit wasn’t just the ability to resume driving, but also what I learned from the experience. I don’t think he was particularly wealthy, but it didn’t matter.

    Examples of generosity abound, are limitless, and do not necessarily result from one’s financial status.

  7. Poor are more generous with everything whether they have it or not. Rich only give if they want to look good.

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