Husband hasn’t taken me out in two years besides but one time and didn’t even try to have conversation. Missed the birth of our child and 1st birthday due to being uncomfortable because my mom speaks Spanish sometimes and he doesn’t know Spanish …. Everyone else speaks English and he is included but stated he just feels weird about them when effort is never made . He has a history of being great and nice to other woman but being horrible to me . Calls me names and accuses of me cheating while I am raising our kids at home and never go out to avoid fights … I haven’t gone out besides work for over 3 years to avoid fights… anytime I go out I am being a whore … he does not help me with chores around the house and I pay the majority of the bills , while also watching the kids more despite me making only $2 more . I feel lost and sad …

  1. This sounds at minimum emotionally abusive. I’m sorry you’re in this situation. If you haven’t already I would sincerely encourage you to seek out individual counseling (SEPARATE from your husband- not couples counseling) and talk your situation and experiences through. Then go from there. This sounds incredibly difficult and you should be supported.

  2. Your husband sounds emotional abusive and terrible to be around. Nothing you wrote made me think you want things to work out. Do you think counseling is going to change things? Do you think he even will go or make an effort? If this is not how you want to be treated, then it’s time to move on. Get a good lawyer. Get help from your family. Plan ahead. I hate to be that person saying get a divorce, but you do sound like you have made up your mind and need reassurance. Just be smart about it so you can end up as financially well off as possible and with a custody arrangement that will be best for your children.

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