I’m talking abt someone who would post racist stuff on their fb page, who bullied other classmate. He was a dude and was physically abusive to a girl in class.
Never talked to him but that mfer was constantly trying to talk to me and was hella familiar. It’s really grating and just reeks off entitlement.
He was like “you don’t talk”.
I wanted to answer i taln just not to you.

That’s why i’m stuck w 2 options:
1) ignoring them when talk to me. Upside: not wasting energy in confrontation.
Downside: might be interpreted as shyness rather than rejection.

2)telling them straight theyre a pos and not worth talking to upside: at least it’s direct and wont be mistaken for anything other than rejection
Downside: having an enemy and risk harrassment.

Has Antoine bien in the same situation and how did it work out for you ?

  1. I wouldn’t normally suggest it but this guy sounds like a complete dick and probs needs a reality check so I’d go for 2

  2. That’s a tricky one. My concern is that if you are interpreted as too forward, they might do or say something rude. I suggest just responding as shortly and as shallowly as possible until they lose interest and then quickly spend time with people you actually respect and like.

  3. Depending how much he pesters you about not talking… Honestly I don’t know of a way outside of being upfront. Just be ready to fight. Motherfuckers like him only believe “Might is Right”

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