Context: First time meeting in person
So first of all it was not planned, I wasn’t talking to this guy for almost a week bc that’s just how I decide to do this situationship, I never reach out first.

Then he dmed me asking if I would be in campus today, I said I was, and he was too bc he will be dropping off his brother. He immediately asked me to go get coffee (I have been unfortunately turning down his previous attempts bc i was honestly too busy), I said I can’t, I will be in campus bc I have to work with my group mates for something. Then he came to ask if he can just see me instead during my study break, so I told him its up to him cuz it will be VERY SHORT.

He asked where I would be and I did the same.Then he said he will be the one going to where I was. But unfortunately when I was already in the cafe where I will be working with my group, he said that he was still inside campus and asked ifmy loc was too far from him. I told him for someone whose not from this campus, it can seem far. So i told him Id go to him instead cuz I know he would only end up lost if we did the initial plan. He asked me again and again if I was sure since he didnt want me to do the works since he was the one who initiated to meet.

One of the friend found out what I did and told me I should not have, that I should’ve just leave him to do all the work. In my defense, I felt bad that I keep turning down his offer when he wants to meet or call bc im swamped with studies, that was the only time that I felt I can somehow reciprocate his effort, I was familiar with the place, and I didnt want to waste time if I were to wait for him to find me or my location.

so the question is, should I have just acted all princess “you need to do everything for me if u want to see me”type, or did what I do was okay? was it too much IDK.

  1. For me you do not enough. I want to date someone where both parties are pulling their weight. If I was that guy I probably had already bailed. This is from my experience, but I live in a country where when women make the first move no one bets an eye and it happens quite often. Maybe where you live there are different rules when dating.

  2. Oh, the games we play… Are you interested in this guy? The only thing that matters here is that your actions are reflective of how you feel. Wether you are super into him, or mildly intrigued. Honesty first always in relationships. It sounds like you were looking forward to seeing him and knew that if he got lost on his way to you, you wouldn’t be able to see him at all. Your friend seems like someone that thinks they have to trick people into liking them. You don’t want that, I promise. He wanted to see you, you were looking forward to seeing him, so you made just a bit of effort to help it happen. This friend may be a blast at the club, but I wouldn’t ask them for relationship advice in the future. “Playing hard to get” doesn’t work. Being hard to get, because you’re busy and self-possessed, does.

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