It isn’t a too long Story, I (m18) am in a ld relationship with (f19). We’re approaching one year of being a couple, off we’ve also had our ups and downs, but rn I am not sure what to do. She sometimes has these bursts of emotion, where she really needs her space and (this happened once) said quite direkt and hurtful stuff. She always says, she still loves me and it’s due to her taking the pill or her having issues with her family. Our communication on these matters has definitely become much better and we’re getting on quite well. However the issue is, that we haven’t been intimate for quite a few months now. I have brought it up and she says she just didn’t have the drive. But for months??
Please give me some advice, because I don’t want to be in a sexless relationship. I don’t really want to consider breaking up, she said it probably will come back, but it sometimes doesn’t seem right.

  1. This is more of a relationship question. Anyways, that doesn’t sound good. Ld, mismatched libido and other issues don’t sound like a good combination

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