I’m looking for a new role and it is bleak out here.

I’m looking for a communications role, I have a few years experience in the field and a degree closely related. I’ve been looking seriously and applying for two months now and haven’t manage to secure an interview yet.

When I was looking for a role 18 months ago, there were plenty of jobs and I was able to secure interviews and even managed to secure a few offers. It feels like, at the moment, there’s nothing available unless you want a short fixed-term contract.

I’m just wondering if this is a universal thing or seems to be linked to my field?

  1. We’re in a recession and the jobs market is poor and competitive too.

    Just soldier on and try your best.

    Note: No government or mainstream media/news will tell their citizens the truth as it reflects poorly on them to getting re-elected again.

  2. Pretty decent, Despite what the naysayers say I have plenty of contract offers and just agreed a 12 months extension on the one I have.

  3. Flooded with jobs that include a very suspicious list of extra duties. Want to be a personnel clerk for a care company? Oh you’ve got to also be a trained carer to cover when carers are off sick. Want to be a warehouse order packer? Oh you’ve also got to be skilled in cookery to help out at the staff canteen.

    Too many places are refusing to replace workers when they leave, instead just merging two completely different jobs together and expecting some poor sod to do it all in half the time for minimum fucking wage. Boils my blood!

  4. I bounced jobs four times last year without difficulty. But I think the market’s ona bit of decline currently.

  5. In my line of work there’s plenty of positions available (construction estimating) however that’s probably more todo with the massive shortage of people that do it.

  6. I’m 17 but walked into two jobs straight after school.

    One was McDonald’s and one was through nepotism so I can’t really speak for the rest of the market.

    However from what I gather there’s a lot of jobs on the market however none offer a good wage.

  7. Fine in my area (specialist education consultancy). I get a couple of offers a week.

    But I am older and experienced – remember Reddit skews younger so that will play into the answer.

  8. Left my job in January and found a job within a few weeks and turned a few down as well.

    I’ve not had to look for a job in a long time and was quite surprised at how easy I found it

  9. The number of vacancies is greater than the number of people looking for work. Use a recruiter. The jobs market is incredibly hot right now.

  10. Sorry to hear, perhaps diversify your means of searching?

    For example local authority roles won’t often come up through standard job boards, but through their own channels or shared service platforms – could be worth a look.

    In addition perhaps specific companies who again may choose to not go down the job board routes but their own vacancies areas.

    In my experience both of the above have landed interviews, whereas the usual boards, etc have got me nowhere.

    Also my tip would be to avoid any recruitment company

  11. I work in data. Job market has never been better for applicants. COVID forced home working and many of these jobs are now flexible or full work from home.

  12. Lots of jobs available in commutable distance for what I want to do. A couple of hundred with 20 miles. But almost no apprenticeships (which is what I need to get experience first, I didn’t want to go to Uni)

  13. Fortunately my area is in high demand (DevOps and Python). If you are experienced and good the money is good and your are in high demand.

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