Men who lie about your heights on dating apps: do you think it’s more, less, or equally acceptable for a woman to mislead matches about her appearance with filters or camera angles? Why/why not?

  1. For the record, this is purely a hypothetical question. I’m not looking for permission to mislead matches.

    There’s a clear pattern on Reddit where people are downvoted any time they insist that people shouldn’t lie in their dating profiles. Which, frankly, *baffles* me.

    Yes, I have considered that I simply have a stronger reaction to “white” lies than the average person.

  2. I know I’m not actually answering the question, but I’ve never understood dudes lying about height. I guess if you’re 5’11” and say you’re 6′, it’s whatever, but if you’re like 5’6″ and saying you’re 6′, you really don’t think they’re gonna notice?

  3. It’s the same. Just more stupid in the guy’s case, because he may end up with a woman he finds too tall because of his own lie.

  4. Most of the time, dudes aren’t wearing platform-shoes-in-disguise or using dishonest camera work, they’re just relying on women’s inability to accurately gauge men’s height, especially particularly short women who are some of the worst offenders when it comes to inhuman height requirements on paper. Unless they’re stupid enough to try saying they’re 6′ to a woman who is herself 5’11”, most of the time a guy who is 5’10” will be able to get away with it long after meeting in person.

    Someone’s own personal lack of observational skills has no equivalent with deliberately doctoring photos to pass yourself off as someone you’re not.

    The nature of the way women make demands for on-paper height qualifications is also different from the way men either find a woman attractive in person or they do not, especially when you get an upclose view of how a woman can be horny for a guy up until she realizes he’s an inch shorter than he said he was because of a third party.

    The origin of men lying about their height on paper is also different from the origin of women doctoring photos.

  5. It doesn’t matter one bit how “acceptable” you or I think a behavior is on the dating apps. If you’ve spent more than 90 seconds thinking about this issue, I would say your time management skills are sub optimal.

  6. I don’t beyond not knowing my precise height (I’m taller than my dad but I don’t know precisely how much), but I mean. The filters/camera angles are literal bog standard

  7. A more comparable example, I think, would be if she was wearing a padded bra in all her pictures. To be honest if people are fudging the numbers a little bit (3 inches taller, 10 pounds lighter, one cup bigger) I wouldn’t really care. If it really matters to you then you may want to make it clear in your dating profile that lying about height, or any other physical feature, is a big no-no for you.

  8. As a proudly short man i do not fall under that category… but still… humans are disgusting so they probably won’t because we all lie but never like to be told liers.

  9. Women who care about height should be ridiculed and humiliated. Fight me.
    Can’t answer the question: I’ve never used a dating app.

  10. They are gonna keep doing it anyways as much as we all hate it. Short dudes pretend they aren’t the same way fat women pretend they aren’t unfortunately.

  11. If you’re lying , you’re lying. If 5’11 makes a difference to 6 foot… well, that’s silly. Filters are ridiculous looking anyways , in my opinion. But if you don’t have a full body, non filter, fairly recent pic anyways, I’m gonna go ahead and move on from you.

  12. These filters gotta go on dating app… too many catfishing.Be honest about your height too. Why hide your true self when at one point you might meet in person ?

  13. In the end, it’s all pointless because if those factors make one person or the other uninterested, it’ll matter as soon as you interact in person. I just choose not to lie about anything.

  14. Honestly I think it’s less about whether or not it’s “acceptable” and more “are you retarded?”

    If people who make obvious physical lies are actually looking for something serious, then they’re only fucking themselves over before they even start

  15. Height and weight are two different things. While most able bodied people can change their weight with dietary choices and self control, it’s impossible to change one’s height

  16. I always thought it was stupid. Do you really think they won’t notice upon meeting you? Guys will bitch and moan about filters and whatnot, but they lie just as much. Lie about their height, hide their teeth by not smiling, take pics next to not their car. Talk about double standards.

  17. Not a height inflator but it’s waaaaay more acceptable for women to lie on their profiles and photos.

    Seems like a no brainer really. Women will walk into a date with fake: lashes, nails, hair, boobs, butt, bags, cloths and personality then be irate that a 5’9” 🤴put down 6’ in their profile.


    I encourage everyone to lie as much as possible. My kings put down 6’ crypto millionaire with a 10” hog. Why not? Fuck around find out.

  18. It’s not really a matter of what’s acceptable. It’s a matter of what will ultimateluy matter and who will notice the difference.

    For one thing, filters on photos are pretty obvious. I’m not getting fooled. But even if I did, I’d just be disappointed when I meet her in person. So it’s not really benefiting her.

    But a guy can easily get away with saying he’s 6′ when he’s really 5’10”. Unless she’s really obsessed with height, she’s probably not even going to remember what he put in his profile. And if she DOES care that much about height, who needs her?

  19. If you mislead them, and are 5-6 inches shorter than stated, it will all come out the minute you meet them. With women, if they have filtered, posed and photo’d themselves to a point where they are unrecognizable, then you just might walk past them at a chosen meeting place.

    You chose X-girl. Y girl, who it actually is, doesn’t look remotely like X-girl. Y-girl, you wouldn’t think twice about approaching in real life, is one, huge disappointment. And you are stuck being nice to her for an hour or so, until you can make an exit-stage left, and stop at a drug store for eye scrub and mind bleach on your way home.

    It all is a big fiasco. Depending on who put out the biggest snow job. Now, who want to feel the most embarrassed?

  20. It is the same, although it is seen as normal for women to use filters, people don’t clown on them for that.

  21. Let’s be honest, a proper comparison would be women wearing make up or push-up bras. So are we gonna condemn women wearing make up on dating app pictures?

  22. Come on… Women have been “making up” their appearance for decades! It should be acceptable for men to mislead about one body feature without having some discussion…

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