What makes you feel vulnerable?

  1. When people look at me. I’m not pretty so when people stare, it makes feel like I’m naked.

  2. People asking me personal questions. Which I don’t enjoy talking. Feels like they have some kind of leverage over me.

  3. Having to talk about myself. I’m not good at being open and honest about thoughts and feelings. I usually use humor and sarcasm so I don’t have to share my emotions.

    People who ask “how are you”, but expect a real answer, instead of the general “I’m good, how are you?” terrify me. I don’t know how to be around people who genuinely want to know me.

  4. Not wearing makeup, sharing my favorite music, admitting that something hurt me, asking for anything from anyone that isn’t covered by some type of (even implicit) contractual obligation

  5. When my husband is being sweet and protective over me. I only allow myself to be vulnerable in safe situations personally.

  6. Being a virgin. There’s a world out there I don’t know about and while I want to explore it I’m scared.

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