Try to be objective explaining to foreigners, non biased answers will be much appreciated.

  1. I’m sorry, I don’t understand my two options. I would say they are domestic terrorists. I don’t know how that is “just” anything.

  2. I think calling most of those people “domestic terrorists” is giving them too much credit. It’s like calling an old man who is too senile to realize he hasn’t paid for his soup at a deli a “criminal mastermind”.

  3. Believe me when I say that I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who participated in January 6, but “domestic terrorism” is not a phrase we should be throwing around willy-nilly.

    I think they were rioters, insurrectionists, and some were guilty of seditious conspiracy, but not terrorists.

  4. So far as I know none have been charged with terrorism. Most were let into the building by the police and were just idiots wandering around.

  5. Neither. They were a mix of protestors, bad actors from the Left or the 3-letter agencies, and agitators. Any accusation of more is bad faith politic-ing.

  6. You are allowed to be opposed to your government. You aren’t allowed to break into, assault police officers, and try to stop a lawful election.

    I think some of the people there really got swept up in it — but some where there to literally stop an election and possibly hurt/scare/kill someone.

  7. I consider it a riot at worst. Hell the 2020 riots did more damage and lasted weeks. This lasted a day.

  8. Sort of just the dumbest people you went to high school with turned opportunistic insurrectionists.

  9. Most of the crowd could not be considered terrorists but definitely some of them seemed to leadt have that intent. People planted pipe bombs that’s pretty cut and dry terrorism.

  10. They were attempting, in their own dim way, to disrupt the peaceful transition of power from one administration to another: insurrectionist

  11. Neither, protestors that turned into pretty mild rioters, in part due to agents provocateurs. It’s the same sort of bullshit the FBI did to the Civil rights protestors and various other groups. It’s a joke that if you find a violent anti-gov group, it’s one patsy and a dozen feds/informants.

  12. Trying to illegally prevent the lawful transition of power, breaking in and destroying the capitol, threatening politicians, and assaulting police. The people that did all of that and directly participated… domestic terrorists.

    Even Trump’s own FBI director called it domestic terrorism in front of congress.

    WATCH: FBI chief Chris Wray calls Jan. 6 ‘domestic terrorism,’ defends intel – PBS

    The people that protested and didn’t directly participate at the capitol they were just protesters.

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