What food do you eat in a weird way?

  1. I eat Cheetos out of the bag with chopsticks. It must not that weird because I have converted many people to doing it my way.

  2. Burgers and sandwiches. Most of the time I pull them apart and eat them in layers, unless I assembled them at home. I don’t think it’s a paranoia thing; I just like to taste the individual layers on their own, especially with a fast food burger. With a homemade burger, I just think they taste better all together.

  3. persians have a thing for putting ketchup on everything. pizzas, pastas, a lotta things. we get weird looks from others in the west lol

  4. Caldo de pollo (chicken soup) with sliced banana. I don’t know why it works, but it does.

  5. I get super weird looks when people see me bite into a kiwi like an apple. I eat skin and all. That’s how I was raised eating them and I didn’t find out it was weird until adulthood.

  6. I put syrup on all of my breakfast foods. It doesn’t matter what it is. Pancakes, waffles, sausage, eggs, bacon, French toast, hashbrowns. It doesn’t matter. It’s all soooo good. lol.

  7. I eat most handheld food with a fork and knife because I hate eating food with my bare hands

  8. When I eat a Kit Kat, I’ll eat the outer layer of chocolate first, then the layers one by one. It makes it last longer lol.

  9. I used to live in the south, so to them this was weird: I put sugar in grits, and my preference was actually cream of wheat.

  10. For ferrero rocher, I eat the chocolate outer layer first then I open the ball up and eat the hazelnut inside it and THEN I’ll get the ball wafer for last. 🫣

  11. When I’m home, I eat salad with my hands. I don’t use dressings or spices, just salt, because I like the taste of the leaves.

    And I don’t split the KitKat.

  12. I put salad with oil&vinegar dressing on top of my arroz con gandules and eat it like that. Husband says it’s weird but my son also likes to eat it this way

  13. I like peanut butter and jelly on pancakes and waffles. I put salsa or hot sauce on my burgers, sandwiches and eggs sometimes. I eat cucumbers like chips with salt and pepper sprinkled on it with red chili flake but idk if that’s unusual.

  14. I put hot sauce on everything not sweet. I’ll put hot sauce in my soup.

    I pick the chicken off the chicken wing and dip in sauce. I cannot just bite into the chicken like a corn on the cob.

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