I (29M), I have been called good looking, attractive, smart, kind… by some girls I dated (even tho I see myself as normal/avg looking).

But nowadays I find it hard to even approach women, cause I am being called short (175cm) and it’s causing a lot of distress to me, there’s nothing I can do to gain height basically.

Is it really that important for young women that their partner should be taller (like one told me a man should be at least 185-190cm)?

  1. To do well in dating as a man in today’s society, you need to be confident. If all these women are saying you’re this and you’re that and you don’t believe it to be true, then you’ll go nowhere in dating. Confidence is key 🔑 when it comes to women

  2. Well the answers to both your title and post are the same. It depends more on what you tell yourself.

    You can get a gf BUT only if you believe you can.

    Women don’t care to that much of an extent about height BUT if you believe they do, you’ll always find something to make it seem like they do

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