I like to keep to myself. I get told I’m kind-hearted. I don’t even know how to shoot a gun.

I kind of take it as a compliment because no one will fuck with me and I like to keep to myself.

Am I weird as say I am?

  1. Yes, you should. That’s an aggressive way of saying you have antisocial tendencies, maybe narcissistic tendencies and whatever they think school shootings are like. I see them as dumb copycats, so maybe that too. Ignore people like that. Learn to have gratitude. You’re not weird, you feel like you outside the groupings. In high school, that’s normal.

  2. It depends. People have made similar comments to me or jokes, and the only “shooter” characteristics I fit are I’m quiet and I usually like being alone, though I’m definitely not always alone or asocial in these environments. Literally nothing else about me matches the stereotype. It’s to the point now where people think anyone who is quiet or who doesn’t “need” other people, even people who treat them like shit, is a potential shooter. You don’t even have to be “weird.”

    Trust me, it also doesn’t mean no one will fuck with you, especially if they just mean it as a joke.

  3. You’re the only one that can decide if you should be offended or not. On the other hand, do you need to have an integrated relationship with any of the people that you’re around for any reason? I imagine you need some sort of interaction. This might make those difficult. Then again, maybe it’s just this one person that feels this way. If you’re concerned at all, ask other people’s opinion and see what it is specifically so that you can work on it

  4. Is it an insult? Yes, but in the same way being called a loner is an insult. If everyday you keep to yourself and really only talk to people when they approach you first, it can be off-putting. But like you, I don’t necessarily consider being a loner a negative.

    Should you be offended? Probably not. I’m sure you’re aware of the school shooter trope, and if people don’t know you, they will make all kinds of assumptions.

    Out of curiosity, how did you answer?

  5. It could be as simple as you are a white male. I know I’ve been called it many times in school, I can’t think of a white boy I went to school with who wasn’t called a school shooter at least once.

  6. Bullies will always be around in some form or another. Maybe its the kid on your block, a family member, or a bad boss. In life we constantly learn about ourselves. Discover who you are and be confident with yourself. Learn how to react to people who push your buttons, in a positive way. Take what they said as a lesson for managing stress.

  7. OP I don’t want to sound rude but the fact that you consider it as a compliment is a bit of a red flag. The connotation associated with school shooters are not great. I hope you can branch out and make some connections so that this isn’t your main label or how people remember you in the future.

  8. It’s offensive, but don’t be offended. It’s just a method morally sketchy and weak-minded people (i.e.bullies) these days used to cut people down. Do NOT take it as a compliment. They don’t mean it as such, and don’t confuse their fetishization of negativity as a good thing. When people say you’re kind-hearted, *that’s* a compliment.

  9. Not offensive. Some people go to extremes with their descriptions. Some people feel that you’re stuck up for not talking to them. I got that alot.

    “it’s always the quiet ones”. The fact that people have described you as kind tells me that the school shooter vibe comment is just a joke

  10. I bet youre a really cool guy. You find in life that the truest people don’t run with the crowds.

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