talking with a friend face to face or else

So i(20M) really liked a friend(20F), romantically, expressed my feelings, she rejected and wanted to stay friends, I said yes, so we did.
During our friendship I might have overstepped our boundaries as friends with attention and time expectations. So I think I made her sad and uncomfortable from time to time. We are still good friends, and I feel bad making her feel uncomfortable. I felt awful realising what I have done, which was selfish and not nice, seeing my actions with this new perspective made my feelings go away pretty quickly too. I care about her and our friendship and. So I want, and feel the need, to apologize tell her about how I don’t have that kind of feelings anymore, thank her for her patience considering she was always super thoughtful even when rejecting me and sort of close that part of our relationship to move on with a better friendship.

My problem is I want to make this conversation face to face when we are alone. And that seems very hard these days, because of reasons. Should I text her about this? Or should I arrange meet up with her somehow(it is hard to do and don’t know how long it would take to arrange).

TL;DR: I want to talk something important, can’t do it face to face should I wait until I can(I would much rather do it now) or should I just text

1 comment
  1. Especially because your violation was being too presumptive, text is a good choice here. I’m normally not a “say important things via text” person, but in this case, it’s the way you can apologize that puts the least pressure on her to respond.

    And, in fact, you need to make clear that you’re not expecting a response. You’re apologizing. You need to be okay with her not responding.

    And … are you suuuuuure you don’t have feelings for her any more? Because this sort of sounds like the kind of thing that somebody who still had feelings would want to do. If you’re friends, you can just be friends.

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