How would you feel if your partner stopped sharing their location with you after months of having that access?

  1. It would be a bit weird. The question isn’t if you share your location or if you would support it but IF you did.. would you find it weird someone suddenly stopped. I share my location with my bf, so does he with me solely because of security and if he suddenly stopped I would wonder why he felt the need to do it without talking to me since we talked about doing it together.

  2. I would feel worried that he had a stroke. We share our location with each other in order to supplement schedule coordination. He prefers that I just look at my map instead of bugging him asking him if he’s on his way home.

  3. Confused. We always share our locations for safety and convenience reasons which is something we both wanted to do. We would have a conversation to find out what changed. That conversation would decide how I felt about it.

  4. I wouldn’t care – my friend group at uni share our location with each other for safety purposes but I was most against it cause I thought it was a bit creepy. In the end decided the safety benefit was worth it

  5. Depends, like if we both were originally ok with sharing each other’s location and then one day my partner wanted to change that for no apparent reason, I’d probably be suspicious.

    If i had access to where they were for months from some accidental circumstance and then they switched the setting, I think that’s more understandable since they never really agreed to it in the first place.

    Personally I wouldn’t care to have that access in the first place. My partner wouldn’t mind sharing it tho (nothing to hide anyways). There’s a lot of trust in our relationship

  6. I’d be weirded out if he stopped giving me access because we’ve shared our locations for years.

    For us it’s not really about trust or to catch each other doing something. Neither of us would ever cheat (well I highly doubt it lol) but I like that he knows where I am for safety reasons.

    I’ve had some scary situations with men in my life and I just like having someone I trust know where I am at all times. I doubt he even checks it much but it gives me some peace that he can kind of keep track of me, especially since we have little kids who are usually with me.

    I actually do check his location somewhat frequently. Why? Because I try to plan dinner and stuff around when he will be home from work a lot of times and he doesn’t usually text me since he’s driving. This way I don’t have to bug him and ask “eta?” everyday and I can time dinner to come out of the oven within minutes of him coming home.

    Okay reading this back, that makes me sound super lame, but it works for us haha!

  7. While that isn’t something that I personally care about, I assume if it was something that was normal in my life and it changed suddenly I’d be a bit confused. However I’m self absorbed enough to think maybe they were planning a surprise for me

  8. I’d feel like asking if he needs to update our location app, which is something that actually happened. Once we updated our apps everything was working again.

  9. If it was months of having that access without complaint, then I’d definitely want to know what had changed and have a discussion about that. If it was months of having that access but under duress on their part, then… ok, well, if I was the kind of person who forced the issue then I probably wouldn’t have the self-awareness to understand they were sick of it and free to make that choice.
    I’m assuming this is a mutually agreed-upon access that has suddenly been revoked without warning or discussion, and I would probably find that a bit shady. A discussion would have to be had as to why the sudden change, especially without forewarning. I would also want to know if I was still expected to share my location, because I would not be on board with that. Both or neither.

  10. I don’t care about things of that sort. I’d assume they have a reason or that they changed their mind about sharing locations which they’re perfectly welcome to do.

    Even if I was in a relationship where we shared locations with each other, I always respect my partners enough to give them their privacy and autonomy. If anything ever bothers me, I ask and we have a conversation about it.I wouldn’t read into it.

  11. this actually happened to me. i thought it was weird but I don’t share my location with him so it didn’t matter after a while. plus all I have to do is ask and he’ll tell me

  12. I would feel ok because if I trusted him, I wouldn’t need it. If I didn’t trust him, I shouldn’t be with him.

  13. Honestly, it would probably make me panic a bit. I would just find it very weird. We’ve shared our location with each other for over three years now, so I would probably get suspicious, especially if they did it without telling me why first.

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