Mothers, what did you child do, that made you excessively proud?

  1. I have the 2 best boys everrrr…. 6+18…. and they just exist and they are my entire life. They make me soooooo freaking happy! My 18yr loves his little brother so much… my youngest is Autistic, and my oldest just gets him. He is just the biggest mush ball with my little one and I thank God I am thier Mom….

  2. My son – 10 and daughter 8 were walking on the sidewalk to class. As I was driving off I saw my son move his sister to the inside so he would be the one closest to the moving cars. The thoughtfulness of that gesture warned my heart.

  3. How caring and protective our eldest is of her younger sister, she’s only 4 and our youngest 2 but we can already tell she’s going to be the best older sibling you could ask for.

  4. My son who is 8 beat me in chess and that was fair competition. I don’t like to lose but this time it made me proud.

  5. I’m not a parent but I’m a teacher & I work 1 on 1 with children on the autism spectrum with very high needs – I also speak on behalf of his mum I’m sure.

    I was about to enter a stall with a preteen student who needs help in the bathroom when another one of my students stopped me – literally blocked me from entering the stall – and said firmly, “Adults shouldn’t go into bathrooms with kids. Hey (Student), are you okay?” I explained that my student can’t speak to answer him, but it’s ok for me to go in with him because he needs help, other adults know about it, and it’s not a secret.

    Well, if this kid (with “problems with authority” as his regular school calls it) didn’t march my ass down to my supervisor’s office to make sure a kid he only knew by name was safe in the bathroom.

    Openly cried telling his mum.

  6. my daughter is so polite. please, thank you. we went through a ppl pleasing phase to about grade 6. she learnt to distant herself from ppl that mean harm. the friends shes had for years, great kids. studying together. never any harm. welcomed in my home. enjoy being their age. im very proud of her. she deserves it.

  7. I am too young to have children, but my mother says that she is proud that at the age of 3 I already knew how to read and write)

  8. My boy is 18 mos, we took a family walk yesterday and he tripped and scraped his knee on the sidewalk- he just stood up and bent to look at it and patted his knee and growled really loud and kept walking. He didn’t freak or cry, but it was a very toddler way of saying “FUCK” and he just kept going. He’s a little bad ass.

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