We’ve been long distance for 1.5 years of the 2 years we’ve been dating. Honestly I love him so much and didn’t expect us to be long distance for so long. He lives across the world (12 hour difference) and was supposed to come to my country last year but because of financial issues/ his parent passed away that has been pushed indefinitely. His situation isn’t the best because he’s busy working odd hours so we don’t get to spend much time calling (maybe 5 minute calls throughout the week, max an hour once a week). I know he’s spending as much time as he can with me right now but honestly it isn’t enough. Even when we do call he’s too tired for us to carry a decent conversation. I know he can’t have me as his first priority right now because he has to support his family but it’s putting a strain on our relationship. I love him so much but the uncertainty of when long distance will end and inconsistency of times we can call is emotionally draining me. Even when I call him he’s so tired he can’t pick up my calls even though he sets alarms and when he does wake up it’s like 4-5am my time. I really don’t want to break up but I don’t know how much more I can manage. I don’t want our relationship to end but I don’t really see a solution. What can we do in this situation?

1 comment
  1. Realistically long distance relationships don’t end up well unless you have a bond that predates your romantic relationship. It’s even more fickle if you haven’t even met in person.

    I don’t know why you think you wouldn’t be able to find love again after this one. You must be open to it and open for change.

    If you choose to stay in your current long term relationship, I don’t really see how you’re going to feel better other than stating the obvious to him:
    “We dont talk enough. I miss you. Let’s video more. Let’s plan a trip together” and so on. But you’re still going to be in the same sad and depressed mindset the instant he can’t keep his promises or schedules. Is this really what you want in life?

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