Title is a bit dramatic but I need to call attention to this. Last night I (23M) had a night of frantic sex with a girl I recently met, which included a lot of head on both ends.

My problem is that after a lengthy session of cunnilingus, I discovered I had a bit of a cut on my [Lingual Frenulum](https://content.ca.healthwise.net/resources/13.3/en-ca/media/medical/hw/acm0861_460x300.jpg), which I imagine was from my tongue pushing down and being cut by my lower teeth.

Has anyone had this problem before? I searched the sub and found some people talking about how the other OP was simply doing it wrong and recommended using your whole head for movement and not just your tongue, but I’ve been doing that the whole time anyways (thanks Nina Hartley!), it’s just still a lot of pressure on that area.

Does anyone have a quick fix or remedy for this? I’m meeting this girl again in a few days so I’m sure it’ll happen again. All of your help is much appreciated too 🙂

  1. Oh man, sorry that I don’t have any advice but now I’m gonna be so paranoid the next time I eat my girl out 😂

  2. Just comes with the territory. I just deal worth it, it’s a small price to pay. If it really does bother you though, just change things up when you feel it starting to hurt when you’re going down on your girl. Take a few minutes and finger her, or whatever she wants

  3. Yeah I’ve had this a few times. Viscous lidocaine was a godsend, but that’s a prescription.

    Refine your technique. You don’t need to stick your tongue out that far to do a good job

  4. It’s not from getting cut, it’s just you stretching it trying to reach with your tongue.
    Source: Me as a teenager going after it just like you did.

    It just takes time to heal. Though doing this often will get you used to it and capable of a lot more. You’re going to have to come up with something else to keep her happy this time. Maybe ask if there’s anything she’s ever wanted to try or fantasies she wants to act out and be the guy who helps her live those out?

  5. I think it’s a pretty common problem, in my experience you just need to ride it out. I did it pretty bad one time and it didn’t heal right so now my frenulum is less tight and it doesn’t really happen anymore. changing your technique probably wouldn’t hurt in terms of this issue, but you definitely can’t eat someone out properly without moving your tongue at all so I would say suck it up to be honest.

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