Before meeting my boyfriend, I was very comfortable being alone, but it’s one thing that happens in life. We are so happy together; every time we have issues, we talk, we support each other, and in general, everything’s fantastic.

I usually don’t share things that happened in my past, mainly because they hurt me, and I don’t want to talk about them ever again, so much so that I never told him I was once married.
When we first met, I mentioned that I “got married” only for my parent’s approval of that other person, (I indeed did it for that reason, but I lied because I did get married for real, and I said to him that it wasn’t a real marriage)

Time has passed, and he mentioned he wants to get married.
And now I don’t know how to tell him this; I know he needs to know this before getting engaged so he can decide if he actually wants to marry me.
I know I shouldn’t have lied, but I did; that’s on me.
I don’t know if I should tell him; what happened was something so traumatic for me that I’ve been even thinking about breaking up, so I don’t have to talk about this .

If I could, I would never say a thing to anyone, but I love him so much that I don’t know what to do.
I guess I thought that if he didn’t know, I wouldn’t have to talk about that person ever again in my life.

I lied to my boyfriend, who didn’t deserve that; I don’t know what to do.

1 comment
  1. You need to sit down and have a calm and honest conversation. Be really transparent.

    Was the marriage still on when you met? Do you still see your ex? Are you properly divorced?

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