so i found this girl on instagram on my mutuals and found her rly cute. so i thought yeah let me follow her quick. sooner she accepted and followed back and i also accepted. so i kinda hesitated to text her and i was just overworked af and didn’t text her for about a week. all i did was liking some of her stories. now i noticed that she unfollowed and idk if i should still text her or did i miss my chance prob. and what should i text?

1 comment
  1. I dont really do the whole ig, snap dating stuff well atleast maybe not yet. From what your saying maybe she thought it was to creepy. It probably also depend on how far you went back you went into her profile as well . She also might have thought you were just gonna ghost her or whatever. It might just be best to just leave her be and move on brother stop chasing let them come to you. 💪

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