So me (19f) and another person (19f) have been talking online for a few weeks now and we decided to meet up, she seems really excited and positive over the entire thing and we decided id drive down to where she lives for it since I have a car. However, where she lives theres not much to do really since its mostly known for its scenery so all we can really do is go on a walk, personally I usually have fun with friends going on walks but since this is a date is there anything people can recommend to make the experience really fun for her at all or more memorable? Even some gift ideas would be nice too? I really dont want to mess this up.

1 comment
  1. **Sounds like a great date already…**

    She gets to show you her part of the world, you bothy get some exercise and fresh air and you have plenty of time to talk. Whatever you add to the date, keep the walk. It sounds awesome.

    Maybe you can add some fun to it… bring a camera and see if you can take some fantastic photos. Maybe take turns taking photos of each other doing something silly, or forget the camera and look for witches stones or signs of spring.

    Maybe pack a small meal for you both… cheese, meat and a fun drink.

    One thing – make backup plans in case of rain. A casual locally own restaurant that isn’t loud or maybe just go for a drive to find a place to visit on your next date.

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