Would you be with someone who does not have a prestigious career and just has an average job with a decent income, but is otherwise a kind, loving, and caring person?

  1. I have no interest in women who are absorbed in their career, I already have enough of that for the two of us.

  2. Not very, I’d only worry if their income is too low that I can’t guarantee we’ll both be financially stable


    Or if their income was too high that they were out of touch with everyone else, I cannot handle that gold flakes on steak golf club private school picky eater type of rich people

  3. I wouldn’t want to date someone who was looking to stay home playing video games while I work all day, but as long as they’re doing *something*, I don’t really care how well-paying or prestigious it is (unless it involves breaking the law or sex work, obviously)

  4. Don’t care about the job–I care about the person. Seems kind of shallow otherwise, like you’re only in the relationship for the money.

  5. As long as she can support herself (before we get to the point of living together) then I really don’t care

  6. I couldn’t care less. Work is only a part (and not the most important by far) of a person’s life.

  7. Its not a big deal to me

    Im religious and in my religion the full responsibility for covering the financial needs of the family is on the husband

    If my future wife wanted to earn money or pursue a career, more power to her, i’m sure sitting at home would be boring anyway. But i dont care whether the job is especially prestigious or not. Become a teacher, start a small business, drive for doordash, whatev

    Just i’d prefer she didnt do anything dangerous or overburden herself and do something she doesnt find fulfilling

  8. What’s the definition of a ‘prestigious career’ I don’t even know if I have one let alone my wife. Is it an amount of money? Details details

  9. I want my partner to have a job that they enjoy and are comfortable and happy with or one that they simply want to do. My financial stability depends on my own job and not my partner’s. As long as they’re content, I am too.

  10. Not important at all, as long as I have no trouble with it (e.g. her job is as head of KKK association).

  11. It’s not just about the money but the ambition and passion. A teacher, historian or a painter who doesn’t make a lot is still more attractive than someone with zero ambitions or drive, working in low skilled jobs and never wanting to change.

  12. Her job is important but her income is not.

    That is if she’s a surgeon who makes 300k a year or a surgeon who donated her time out of the goodness of her heart it’s basically the same because she’s a surgeon so I know she’s smart and goal oriented.

  13. From the onset of adulthood and dating in the realm, if she didn’t have a job or pursuing a career, I wasn’t interested. When my wife and I got together she had finished her education and was in her career. But she’s a SAHM now and that’s fine. Her day is essentially a 16 hour work day. It’s not like she sits home and does nothing all day while I’m at work. If she ever wants to go back to work, I support her. But in the dating stage of my life, I just wasn’t interested in the types that were looking for a Mrs. degree.

  14. As long as they are working and enjoying what they do then I don’t care. I hope she would make more than me.

  15. I have never ever cared what someone I like does. That is at the bottom of what makes them attractive.

  16. I really don’t care what my other half does for a job, that means nothing to me. I care that she’s a good partner and a good mother.

  17. Some people have to take jobs that they don’t necessarily want in order to pay bills.

    I don’t care if you’re a CEO, teacher, athlete, or a bartender. Just be a decent human being and you work through the other stuff together

  18. Definitely a cool job so we can discuss it all the time because it’s super cool right! I can imagine talking about it while neglecting other aspects of our relationship.

  19. Seeing that 60% of Americans have less than 1 months bills in savings….. That being said, that is the realistic choice. What I value is someone with goals, work ethic, and financially responsible in a partner. (not buying shit they can’t afford to impress people)

  20. Fairly important bc if it’s the same as mine or related it adds a lot of compatibility. Also I’d like a woman who makes about as much as I do or more

  21. My own concern is that she can hold a job. If she’s always quitting or getting fired from a job without finding a new one, that’s an issue. If she can’t hold a job, she’ll probably expected whoever she is with to take care of financially.

    There are some women here who list having a job as a reason to want to date them and I’m not sure what they want us to think. Having a job is expected, like how women expect a guy to know how to clean up after himself.

  22. Yes, it matters. The job itself doesn’t matter (within reason) but the income does. She doesn’t have to match what I make, but it needs to be at least enough to where she’s able to support herself completely and not live paycheck to paycheck. Good financial habits are important to me.

    Edit: it matters because it’s a lifestyle thing. If I want to travel somewhere, do something nice, whatever it may be – it’s important that we can both comfortably do it. I have money, I’m not in a relationship for the money. Instead, if I’m in a relationship it is to share and enjoy things with another person. If that person is barely scraping by, that doesn’t work for me.

  23. Their income doesn’t matter as long as they’re a good person who treats me well. (Treating well: That goes both ways, after all.)

  24. Very unimportant. All I care about is that she makes enough money to be independent and the job doesn’t make her hate her life.

  25. I don’t think what they do is important as long as they can support themselves and hopefully like what they do. If they need me to support them, i’m out

  26. I don’t give a shit what she does, as long as it’s legal, and she isn’t a stripper/pornstar.

    It would be a bonus if she wasn’t doing anything to hurt puppies or children 🤷🏽‍♂️

    As long as she does something, I cannot abide uselessness in people.

  27. I don’t care about how much money they make. If they are happy with what they do ,have an amazing personality and have compatible values,it doesn’t matter.

  28. I would care if she’s working too much. I need her to make babies and watch them while I’m at work. I don’t want stranger watching them.

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