I’m in my third year of college and while I’m happy to say that I at least have friends, I don’t really feel like I’m high on anyone’s priority list. I didn’t attend high school and only attended half of middle school, so I’m definitely behind when it comes to social skills. I was always on the awkward side and had incredibly bad habits, partially due to ADHD. I am now not annoying to interact with but I just feel like I’m too nice now, to the point of being boring and uninteresting.


My main issues are not being funny and not being a good story teller/explainer. I don’t really know how to be funny honestly, and whenever I try to be funny, it just ends up being cringeworthy. Being cringeworthy feels like the only trope I know how to pull off due to be being an ex-christian with a sheltered homeschooled background and all, but while it can get laughs sometimes, it doesn’t feel like they genuinely find it funny. The other thing is that I really struggle with getting to the point, partially due to anxiety. I feel like anything that comes out of my mouth will seem uninteresting to others but I know it’s not the content itself but how I express it. I also have a stuttering problem along with having a quiet voice so it’s difficult for sure.


It’s really frustrating because most people who I would consider to be a friend can definitely tell that I’m trying really hard. They will tell me to not try so hard but I don’t know what else to do. Simply relaxing just leads to me being quiet without contributing much. I try so so hard every day to get better at this. I read books, I force myself to talk to people on the bus, elevator, class, etc., I listen to podcasts, it’s like I try way harder than my friends but still fall behind. Not that I envy them but it just feels like there is is invisible barrier.


Any advice?

1 comment
  1. I’m in the exact same boat. The invisible barrier… the “being yourself” meaning saying nothing. I have friends but not anyone’s #1 or even top 5. Tons of acquaintances but never really connect with them for some reason. Always anxious to hang out with people because I fear I’ll bore them. Glad to know I’m not alone at least. Sorry I can’t offer you any advice.

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