I feel like my GF (F 18) doesnt care about me (M 20)

Idk man we rushed into a relationship really fast and she said she loved me really quick. but it doesnt feel like she does. she treats me good but she never seems interested in my life. she doesnt ask wuestions about anything about me or how my day went ever unless i ask first. ive brought this up many times and she now asks some things but it feels so forced everytime.

asked her my birthday yesterday and she didnt know it. i had to tell her. And she made no effort to apologize or make me feel better. Almost at my breaking point for this relationship

what do i do.

TLDR – my girlfriend says she lives me but rarely asks wuestions about me and doesnt seem to be interested. i feel like she only liked the way i make her feel

1 comment
  1. you should breakup right now, before she cheats thats what shes gonna do save yourself some hardship now

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