This is gonna be a bit of a long one. So my bf and I have been together for a year now. We are engaged, and expecting. Things have always been great. Except his best friend. I’ve learned details about the two of them, they’ve been friends for 5 years, he had a thing for her but messed it up, all his other friends refer to her as the cute friend, I know she was part of the reason his last relationship ended, but I don’t know exact details. He swears up and down that she’s like a sister, he would never, he doesn’t like her attitude, etc… well they talk all the time, he smiles every time he gets a message, or she makes a post. She just had a baby about three weeks ago and is already single. She’s everything I’m not, blonde, skinny, likes to party. I’m curvy, dark hair, and introverted. Am I just waisting my time for the inevitable to happen where he leaves me for her, or even if he doesn’t how do I move past knowing he’s so close with such strong feelings, especially when our child is due in less than 4 months. Or maybe I’m just being hormonal. I don’t know. I have no friends. I need help.

1 comment
  1. You definitely need to get that shit in check. He’s absolutely disrespecting you, and saying she’s like a sister is cringey af. It’s time to lay it out for him bc he should always pick you first, if he doesn’t then you have your answer

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