So I’ve missed atleast a month of college due to being sick and also away.
So my social skills are unbalanced, And I feel like I’m going to feel overwhelmed, panicky and extremely anxious.
Any tips/advices to instantly be confident, outgoing and social?
Or someway I can fake it

  1. there is no instant fix. it’s going to take thousands of small steps towards greatness.

    some quick helpful tips:

    1) physical movement. exercise. yoga. jumping up and down. opening your arms wide. power stances.

    2) mental toughness. cold showers in the morning. doing things that scare you. working towards goals no matter how hard. meditation.

    3) socialize. learn though experimentation. meet someone new every day. be curious about others rather than stressed about yourself.

  2. If there was an instant fix, this subreddit wouldn’t exist. It takes time and practice, like any other skill in life

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