I’ve been job hunting for a few months and while I have no problem filling my days with job searches, hobbies, and general housekeeping, I’m starting to feel lonely and low some days.

My confidence took a battering when I lost my job, where I was struggling with stress and feeling depressed. The break from work has actually been good for my mental health, but I’m worried about slipping backwards. I know I tend to retreat into myself then and that’s really not good.

I’m far from an extrovert and previously had a hybrid job where a couple of office days were enough for me, but I’ve no weekend plans to look forward to anymore and with money tight I’m obviously hesitant to commit to anything, which means I’m not seeing people much. Although I’ve friends nearby, most are busy in the day so at most I join them for a couple of pints once a week.

I’ve realised I need a bit more weekly human interaction outside my household. What can I do that won’t involve spending much money – preferably none? I’m hesitant about volunteering when I’ve no idea how long I’d be able to commit for – would people mind that?

  1. There’s a ton of free walking groups around the country. Google it or look on your local FB groups.

  2. Are there any zero waste places near you? Some of them run sessions that are free fixing things or similar that could either help you gain new skills or teach others.

  3. If you have a pair of trainers get down to your local parkrun on Saturday morning, it’s free. Very very friendly atmosphere, you can walk around if you’re not fit enough to run it.

    Guaranteed to have a chat with people before, during and after.

    If you really really don’t want to run it you can volunteer to be a marshal.

  4. Have you looked at what your local Library has on offer? Ours has courses, bookclubs [evening ones as well as daytime], talks and lectures etc – and there’s a big noticeboard with info on any local activities going on eg volunteering, Friends of the Library [they do social events too], local societies such as painting, yoga, pilates, gardening, history etc. Of course many of these attract retired folk, but many will be mixed age groups.

    Worth a look anyway and the cost of the library events will be small, and subs for local societies are rarely more than about £20 a year.

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