Okay so Hubby and I joined a gym and decided to go while the kids are in school and before I go to work. Tomorrow is my day off and we plan to go in the morning after we drop the kids off. This morning we went for an hour or so, I showered there at the gym and then we went home. I am off tomorrow so we can workout more then an hour but I kind of like to do my own thing and I feel so weird do my workout.

My workout consists of mainly the treadmill…

1.) I use the treadmill for a good 20 minutes.

2.) I go to the steps(I am sure it is called something else) I use that for 5 mminutes, as it is hard.

3.) There are those machines that helps in a hallway side ups and that kind of things. I will do each of the machines for a good 3 to 5 minutes.

4:) Bike for a good 10 minutes.

5:) Walk around the gym where you can play basketball for a good 20 minutes.

6:) I want to do weights but I am just getting this started…

My hubby thinks I am pushing myself to hard but I know I am not.

Now, when I get back to my normal shift, I will have to go after work. I plan to do the same routine but maybe stick with an hour or 2.

Do you think I am pushing myself to fast?

  1. Are you enjoying this workout? It seems like you may burn yourself out. Mixing things up might work better plus allow you to target certain muscle groups one day while letting them rest for another. Working with a personal trainer may help you to develop an effective and sustainable routine.

  2. Depends on how you feel tomorrow. If you’re so sore you can’t move, then you probably pushed too hard.

  3. If you are enjoying it I’d say not. Keep in mind if you go too fast and wind up injuring yourself, it will only undermine your goals. Make sure you are stretching and taking test days.

  4. This is really more of a know-thyself kind of situation. It sounds like you’ve added a lot. “Too much” is subjective but if you don’t currently have an exercise routine, this is probably too much.

    Routine is more important than everything else. My inclination would be to suggest 20-30 minutes, do it for at least 2 weeks, maybe a month, then add more.

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