How would you respond if someone suggested the use of a vibrator or other toy during your first or second sexual encounter?

  1. Use on them or on me? All depends on the context and situation, but I’m not a fan of using toys in general. I’d rather it was discussed before we got involved in an intimate situation rather than spring it on me in the moment so that we could discuss it without any pressure.

  2. it’s nice that they would want to explore and try toys, exploring and trying new things is a turn on, even if we didn’t like it in the end, we can at least say we tried it

  3. Depends on the context I guess but I’d say why not? Anything we both enjoy is good for me, the more toys the merrier!

  4. “So you wanna pull out the vibrator, or the handcuffs, or the rope, or the riding crop or…. Wait, don’t leave!”

  5. I personally would not prefer it. I do not like toys, especially during sex. I think it would be an incompatibility issue and the relationship probably wouldn’t work out.

  6. If you feel comfortable with them, great! It shows they’re thinking about your pleasure. If you’re not quite there with them yet, it’s fine to say so

  7. If they wanted to use an insertable toy on me that they already owned on me, I’d run for the hills but otherwise, I’d probably be okay with it. As far as I’m concerned, insertable toys are for one user only.

  8. I’d want to go buy one together no way I’m using some toy that may have a shady past.

  9. Let me get the ones I have already and we can tackle the adventure together. He has some too…the more the merrier.

  10. I wouldn’t have a problem with it, as long as it’s one of mine or brand new in the box. Toys can be a lot of fun, especially if the guy really knows how to use them.

  11. I love toys during sex. THATS MY FAVORITE! I’m not very kinky but toys are a soft spot for me

  12. I’d have to tell them I’m not interested in using toys on myself since they don’t do anything for me, but I’m open to us bringing in a toy for them if they’re interested and if it’s something that can make the experience more enjoyable/exciting.

  13. I’m fine with it. But I enjoy toys and own a fair bit. Just as long as it was discussed first I’d be ok. Also hygiene some peeps have no problems using other people’s toys. That would not be me

  14. Straight up, I’d be over the moon. And then I’d brag to all of my friends after about how generous he is.

  15. Probably not during the first encounter. And especially not an item they owned.

  16. It really depends on your personal preference. I’m comfortable with them, so I’d definitely welcome the idea of using toys during a first/second encounter!

  17. I’d have been freaked out by it when I was younger, but it took me a long time to get comfortable with the idea of the whole thing.

    If it’s the right partner, and they’re gentle and patient, I’d tell younger me to STFU and go for it.

  18. Nope! That is too early for that, and I am not letting anyone’s used toys near me.

  19. A vibrator on me? Absolutely. It would show they care about my pleasure.
    Other toys, I might not be comfortable with such as a buttplug.

  20. I’m gay so toys are pretty common place. If a man suggests it tho, I’m impressed. He seems like they care about their partner having a good time too.

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