So I’ve been dating my gf for a few months now and whenever we start teasing sexually, I cum right away. We haven’t even had PIV sex and I have already cummed 5 times. She was sitting on my lap (both of us fully clothed) and I was playing with her boobs and I knew I was about to cum all of a sudden. Things like this has happened 5 times and I feel like I have premature ejaculation problems.

But the thing is, she makes me cum without even rubbing my penis, but whenever I masturbate and am constantly stroking my dick, I can last 30-40 minutes. I just don’t understand.

  1. Practice practice practice. Ask your girl very nicely to help you through it. You’ll get there.

  2. Fuck it. Bust in her on her wherever. Does it even matter if your still hard. I cum multiple times and never get flaccid. Ladies love it

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