I am very extroverted and can talk to anyone I already know super easily and whenever I’m with friends or drunk I can literally talk with anyone and become friends with them (I am basically a different person when drunk or with friends) but whenever I’m alone or talking to adults I am very shy and awkward how can I overcome this ?

  1. Do it until it’s not as hard to do it and remember it’s okay to mess up as many times as you mess up. you won’t die and the world will not end.

  2. It takes practice. I’ve found that constantly hanging around with extroverts and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone pays off and you end up adopting their mentality of not caring about what others’ think of you which will in turn help you feel comfortable talking to people one on one.

  3. if you are a man stop watching porn and jerking off you will get your natural superpowers ….go about 30 days with out touching your dick and watching porn and you will see the difference ….

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