Started dating this girl a couple of months ago. Was very cautious but she was really into me. After some weeks she started to put in less effort and said that she had personal problems. I accepted but we kept seeing eachother. I kept asking her if she wanted to stop but she told me no.

Last weekend she had a complete mental breakdown which got us in a really bad argument while het issues were unrelated to me. Exploded completely and she ignored me the entire day. Yesterday i got the text that she needed some space, while the day before she said again that she didn’t want to stop dating.

Do i just give her some space and wait till she texts me or do i move on?

  1. If the honeymoon period (where you don’t see people’s flaws as clearly as you do later on because of the excitement of a new relationship) doesn’t happen and there are arguments and problems at the very beginning of a relationship, it’s usually not worth it. Move on, it’ll be better for your mental health down the line.

  2. Give her some space and take some time to think about what you want.

    If you want, message her in a couple of weeks. If she doesn’t reply…move on.

    You may decide you don’t want to message her.

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