Alright so ima give ya a little backstory. I’m (M20)been talking with this girl (19F) for a few months now. Well, we talked for a month than I blocked her for a month and than we’ve been talking for the past month now again. I blocked her originally cos she didn’t reply back to my text for 2 days so I assumed this was over. U know, a lot of times people can’t be real with u and say they don’t want anything. Made the decision for her. I end up unblocking her a month later because I saw her at a function, she seemed really upset at me, made a stank face at me. Only reason I unblocked her is because she is one of my friends relatives let’s say (i don’t want anyone ik seeing this knowing it’s me). I ask her if she’s mad at me, because maybe she didn’t reply back to me because of something I did. I can be an asshole sometimes and not really know if it’s upsetting people because i think it’s a joke. She said no that she thought i was mad at her yadayada. We end up talking about things and things click again. She apologized to me for not replying. We go on another date. Great date. Things are clicking for like 2 weeks. She’s texting first everyday, really on me. We talk on the phone this 1 day. I make a callback to our first date where she told me how she was gonna commit suicide at one point and i wanted to know why. So i asked her. She says she doesn’t want to talk about it rn and i laugh. Idk why but I just laughed. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I LAUGHED. I couldn’t tell she was upset at the time. Convo goes on a bit longer than she says she’s going to bed. Thought things were cool than she starts pulling away for like a week and shoots me a text asking what I want from our relationship. I said I care about her and shit and I want her. She says how she doesn’t want a relationship this and that. I misunderstood wtf she typed in the paragraph cos it sounded like she was ending things completely and one part sounded like she was faking like me so i block her. I reread a few times and unblock her an hour later and ask her wat she meant. Just so i can move on understanding wtf happened. I ask her about me thinking she faked liking me. She said she meant she didn’t wanna fake being able to handle a relationship and that she’s not ready. Ok we chop it up for a bit. I’m cool wit dat and i clearly define our relationship for her so no one’s confused. We are not exclusive or in a relationship. She says she’s cool wit dat. She brings up how she was upset at me cos i laughed at her. I apologize. It’s been over a week since and she’s still been distant. I told her today it feels like i’m talking to a wall with her. She apologizes and i ask her if she’s doing ok. She says shes not. I tell her that i’m all ears. She says that after her trying to open up last time and me laughing that she’s just gonna keep it to herself . I apologize a bunch she says it’s fine. Idk WTF TO DO… Also, tomorrow we are hanging out which is valentine’s day and i got her a necklace. She got me a hoodie on our first date which ima wear. Idk wat to do. Any advice?

  1. > Well, we talked for a month than I blocked her for a month and than we’ve been talking for the past month now again. I blocked her originally cos she didn’t reply back to my text for 2 days so I assumed this was over.

    You seem nice. /s

    > I end up unblocking her a month later because I saw her at a function, she seemed really upset at me, made a stank face at me.

    Gee, can’t imagine why.

    > I misunderstood wtf she typed in the paragraph cos it sounded like she was ending things completely and one part sounded like she was faking like me so i block her.

    Hmm. Have you tried not blocking people constantly? You sound so immature.

    >She says that after her trying to open up last time and me laughing that she’s just gonna keep it to herself . I apologize a bunch she says it’s fine. Idk WTF TO DO…

    You don’t laugh at her and then block her.

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