I used to hang out with or talk to friends every other day, but due to changes to my life (working full time, prioritizing other things, pandemic and people moving away ) I’ve been seeing my friends a lot less. Now I only see them maybe once a month. But my social skills have actually been improving.

I realized my friends were kinda enabling me by babying me (and they are very sweet!) so I just never used to go out of my comfort zone and get annoyed and salty if anyone did things I didn’t like. But now I have been rely on myself a lot more I have been feeling a lot more empowered and that has improved my communication a lot more. Even my boss commented how much I have improved and how proud she is of me this year 🙂

so yeah… just wanted to celebrate!

1 comment
  1. Individual development is just as important as social development. When you feel one is stagnating switch to the other and your progress as a person will rarely if ever really plateau

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