Just lost in thoughts before I sign off and go to dreamland, and this question just came into my mind.

  1. The best version of me probably made 1000 different decisions that lead to being in a completely different place

    We’re not the same person anymore

  2. Fit, full head of hair, well dressed, financially successful, and a smoker.

    Pretty much the exact opposite of everything I am.

  3. This version of me is out there somewhere in the multiverse and I wish him the best and the happiest life .

  4. I look back in the past when I was in the Army.

    I was fit, toned, fucking Ranger Certified, confident, had a ton of friends, wasn’t disabled, wasn’t brain damaged, and a pretty damn good career.

    As much as the Army gave to me, it took from me. I got into an accident in a Humvee, got a concussion, and suffered brain damage, and tore my ACL so fucking bad that I will *never run again.*

    I got fucking obese and gave into alcoholism for a bit, but I’ve since not had a drink of alcohol in 2 weeks and I’m on a stricter diet. I may never be as good as I was back then, but oh well.

  5. Mostly the same as now, just not an awkward fuckwad and in better shape. Aside from that, I don’t really have a ton of complaints.

  6. A man of patience, wisdom, discipline. A man who doesn’t lose his temper, doesn’t give up when times get tough, or fails to express his love for his wife.

    A man who sees what needs doing and does it without complaint or second guessing. A man who refuses vice, who embraces virtue.

    A man who doesn’t look at far he is from his ideal and despairs.

  7. I’ve been a little slack/inconsistent with training the past few months. So getting back into that and being dedicated would really help. Fitness comes and fitness goes

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