What the title says. I got a very needy girlfriend but don’t see her that often because ldr. She wants to be on FaceTime with me 24/7, I hate it and have tried talking to her about it but she has a problem with respecting my time. When I’m not studying I’m working on my own business or want to hangout with friends. Not be on a FaceTime call just because. Like when the conversation is dead I come up with some excuse to go do something but always always always it’s “no please don’t go” or “you don’t want to talk to me you’re mean”. I have a heard time telling her no just because she is cute as hell with this and I’m a softie towards her.

So how do I go about this in a nice way, I have let her know all this several times but 2-3 days she is back on this bs. Sometimes I just ignore her calls but that doesn’t sit right with me either. I want her to understand I can’t go through life and do me while being on a FaceTime call.

For me it would’ve been great just seeing eachother 2-3x a week like we do and maybe talk for 30 minutes on FaceTime each day but she be calling me every other hour and gets sad if I ignore her or tell her I don’t have time and I hate that

Any tips appreciated

  1. Have you considered that you’re not compatible? You’ve told her what you want & she wants something different. She needs way more maintenance than you’re interested in giving.

    This is an excellent reason to break up. Neither of you will be happy if the other person’s happy. There’s not a compromise.

  2. Wow, this is highly abnormal. Your girlfriend needs some serious help. No one should be this dependent on another person. My recommendation would be to break up with her and (as kindly as possible) encourage her to get some help before she gets into another relationship. She’s going to drive every potential partner away by acting like this.

  3. Last year I broke up with my girlfriend, partly because of her neediness that drove me insane.

    She would do partly the same and use a “puppy face” to persuade me. She knew it made me soft. The mistake I made was allowing it, and not calling her out on it. I should have told her that she needed to quit that because it was making me do stuff I didn’t want to.

    Allowing won’t fix it. It will make you go insane, and eventually, it might make you say stuff you will regret.

    Speak to her, and if she doesn’t accept your boundaries. Well, I think you know what you should do next.

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