Curious person here.. Do men only get hard during sexual activity *because* it’s sexual activity, or is it because of your attraction to the partner / person you’re with? Or both? Just curious as to what ( initially ) makes it happen.

Edit: I know you can randomly get boners that happen out of nowhere, but specifically for the question stated , what triggers it? Activity, partner / person or both? And at what point then would it start?

  1. Sometimes it happens randomly

    Generally though its thinking about or being presented with, something sexual.

    Also for men, a lot of things to do with women are sexual. Sun dress? Sex. Bending over? Sex. Fitted gym clothes? Sex. Shirt and glasses like a librarian? Sex.

  2. It doesn’t have to be from direct stimulation. Arousal alone can cause it.

    The most infamous example I can remember was the first time with my now-wife. We were a long-distance relationship and she was in town for the first time. I got her a hotel room so she didn’t have to stay with me if she didn’t want to. When I dropped her off at the hotel and walked her into the lobby, she invited me up to her room.

    You can probably guess where this story is going: instaboner right there in the middle of the hotel lobby. That was mildly embarrassing, but I think it does help answer your question.

  3. Some erections have nothing to do with arousal. These erections are the body’s way of preventing the membranes inside the penis and the corpus collosum from drying out. Some erections are just due to touch or some other reason. Some are due to arousal. And sometimes stress, dehydration, or other reasons prevent an orgasm from occurring, or an erection to dissipate.

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