Will your perfect day resemble a Hallmark movie?
Have you completely different ideas?
Are you going to ignore it, because it’s only a holiday for florists, chocolatiers and restaurants?

Edit: Thanks for all your answers, I wish you all a happy Valentine’s day, whatever you’re up to, if you’re alone, don’t feel lonely. Here on CET it is close to midnight, so St. Valentine is over for this year.

  1. Presents for the kids and wife this morning. Birthday dinner for my son this evening.

    We had his party on Sunday.

    Nothing wild, just low key stuff.

  2. If I have the energy left when I get off work, I will stop at the store on my way home and hope they have my favorite chocolate bar in stock. 3 different stores in town have been out of stock of it for weeks, so wish me luck!

  3. We’re making enchiladas and drinking some sparkling wine.

    Becoming a member at a winery that specializes in sparkling wine was a great decision.

  4. I don’t do anything, Valentine’s day is very close to my birthday so I’m usually more focused on that.

  5. I left notes I’d written for my daughters in their backpacks telling them how much I love them. Just ate lunch from our favorite restaurant with my husband. Then we’ll likely have some kind of pink or red-iced dessert with dinner as a family. The kids all exchanged cards at school.
    A little later, I’m going to leave a bouquet of flowers for a friend who’s feeling a bit lonely at the moment.

  6. Dinner out with the wife. Jet lagged, so probably nap this afternoon so I’m more mentally awake later.

  7. I have a course meal planned. My fiancée works 12 hour days and I work from home so I have this menu planned for her:

    * Appetizer: Zucchini Vichyssoise with Seared Scallops
    * Main: NY Strip topped with a mushroom gravy and duck Fat fries
    * Dessert: A deconstructed Sangria Ice cream sandwich (Homemade Red Wine Ice Cream with a 3 citrus cookie crumble)

  8. My wife is a florist, so I’ll have dinner and chocolates ready when she finally gives up on the late evening stragglers.

  9. Waiting until tomorrow to buy up discount candy with my husband. Both of our birthdays and anniversary are within the same week so there’s little point.

  10. I lost my fiancée last year, so more than likely sitting alone in my apartment with the shades drawn.

    For those of you who are celebrating with your partners, you probably don’t need me to tell you this, but please hold them extra tight, please.

  11. I have a job interview in a couple hours so my day has been spent prepping and panicking

  12. I’m meeting my neighbor and perpetual valentines date at the bar for a couple drinks then going to bed!

  13. Card and chocolate for my wife. I’ll take the kid and let her relax. If I make it home before the kid is in bed.

  14. I’m having a little valentine’s party for my students, and I’m making tacos for dinner. I’m going to make a card for my son, and I grabbed some Reese’s hearts for my husband. I just want to go to bed, though. My husband and I celebrate our love every opportunity we get, throughout the year. Today is just another reason to wear pink and eat chocolate.

  15. Going to Work and making people heart shaped pizzas while still charging them the price of the original size

  16. * Dropping off my laptop at best buy
    * Getting a new microwave from that same best buy
    * Putting away laundry

  17. He works today, but we had a three day weekend so we could have a little getaway and he took me to my favorite restaurant Sunday.

    I imagine he will bring some little something home with him. This is our 30th Valentine’s together, and this is what we usually do. A nice celebration the weekend before and then a little something the day of.

  18. I got my wife some flowers and chocolate, she made me some cookies. The kids made valentines for their classmates and we sent tiff’s treats for the teaches.

    That’s about it. Still got work, still got kids to deal with, all the usual stuff.

  19. Well my dog woke the baby up early which in turn woje us up early, I got annoyingly busy at work, and it looks like me and the misses are gearing up for a spat lol so that I guess.

    We “celebrated” yesterday, I got her a 750 of Hendricks and some reeses, we are going to hibachi this weekend too.

  20. My partner and I are both working during the day, I’m making us tacos for dinner, then he’s going to do his nerd stuff and I’m gonna do chores. It’s a regular day here. We’re having fancy dinner Friday, though.

  21. My fiancée is cooking me a salmon dinner, and I’m buying her a couple of expansions for a game we love to play, which we’ll do after we eat.

    I also just realized it was our 2 year anniversary a couple days ago. It’s a sort of arbitrary date, as we’d been seeing each other for almost 2 years at that point, but it’s funny neither of us thought of it.

  22. Nothing. I was dumped on Valentine’s Day 20 years ago and haven’t celebrated since

  23. My wife and I like to mark it somehow, but we’re not big on the over-the-top-ness of it, so we usually buy each other a present and go out for a chill non-themed meal somewhere. This year it was some really good Vietnamese food for lunch.

  24. I’m at work.

    I wanted to at least pick up Papa Murphys heart shaped pizzas.

    But due to one kid working tonight and another kid at a basketball game we won’t even get to eat it together.

    My husband and I will probably watch TV after pizza.

  25. Dinner with the Missus at one of our favorite restaurants. I always have a calendar reminder set up to alert me a month out. Not because I’m just the most romantic devil ever, but rather because I completely forgot year and felt like the worst person ever.

  26. The same thing I do every night: ~~Try and take over the world!~~ Nothing of particular interest.

  27. Eating leftovers and cuddling on the couch tonight with the fiancée. We are getting married next month so Valentine’s isn’t really the focus right now lol

  28. My wife and I both have full time jobs and we have a 2 year old and 5 year old at home…

    So we’re gonna eat chicken nuggets and tater tots for dinner, put the kids to bed, exchange chocolates and then pass out on the couch watching Netflix.

  29. The girl I’ve been seeing is sick and we’re on vacation, I’m getting drunk and we’ll get dinner tomorrow.

  30. My wife and I exchanged cards this morning, and that’s about the extent of it. She gets up before me, and as per tradition I left hers and an inexpensive package of Valentine’s candy in front of the coffee maker. Other than that, just an ordinary day. I won’t even be home this evening, for various reasons I haven’t been to social night for a club we’re in for three weeks – and I really wanna go. (I’m a social person, my wife is not. The COVID lockdown years were hell for me.)

    Some years, we do something more… But we’ve already spent our eating out budget for this month and neither of us really felt like cooking an impressive dinner over the weekend. So, we just agreed to keep it simple this year. We’re coming up on 33 years this summer, so we really don’t feel any need to make *every* Valentine’s Day a Big Deal.

    Besides, it’s the little *daily* things that really make the difference IMO.

  31. I’m stuck at work right now. When I get home I’ll probably just spend time with my family.

    Then tomorrow I try to get some of that discounted chocolate

  32. My wife and I decided we don’t need a certain day to show we love and appreciate each other. It’s just an excuse to get her a card for me.

  33. Watch breaking bad and wait to get chocolate for myself tomorrow maybe play some video games nothing special today for me

  34. Married for 30 years. Steak dinner and chocolate fondue at home. Maybe sex. We have a cockblocking 14 year old.

  35. Going to my gf’s house tonight, she’s doing a surf-and-turf dinner with steak and steelhead salmon.

    Then we’re sending her kids off so we can get it on. It’s been difficult because I have a broken leg and she’s been dealing with her daughter being a hellion 13-year-old.

  36. I’m running a split-flipper pinball tournament at an arcade bar. Split flipper means one person on each flipper button – it’s a natural for couples (though we’ll randomly match up any singletons that show up). Winner gets a romantic dinner for two… at the bar, so hot dogs, fries, cauliflower “wings” and beer.

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