Women who are still virgins, what are you waiting to find?

  1. i’m just waiting for guys to be bored with hookup culture. i’m waiting for someone kind, gentle, who i can feel safe and comfortable with. i don’t need to be swept off my feet, but i want to be and feel safe 🙂 i’ve just turned 21 this past week, so at this point i may as well keep waiting until someone worthwhile comes along!

  2. This might get removed for derailment or because it doesn’t apply to me, but I like the question and wanted to answer if allowed.

    I was a virgin until 22, which for my friends and sisters, i felt like the latest bloomer in the world. My parents never had a sex talk with me and though I knew what it was through my own exploration, I was terrified of being that vulnerable with someone. And naked? Literally shudder. So I mentally told myself that I was “waiting for marriage” because it was the only way that I thought I’d be “ready & comfortable.” I ended up having a wild night in the city, getting absolutely wasted and losing it to a Canadian who looked like Adam Levine. It wasn’t that I waiting to find anything specific, but I told myself I was waiting for “someone special” because that would make the bullet easier to bite. But, in reality it was kind of like I was standing on the side of an ice cold pool and had to close my eyes and jump in. Or i needed alcohol to push me in. 😂 Anyhow, it wasn’t so scary after that.

  3. Not a virgin but I waited longer than most, to have sex, because I was waiting for true love. I didn’t want to have sex until I was with someone I thought I’d be with forever. That, of course, didn’t go exactly as I planned.

  4. I’ve never been interested in anyone enough to have sex with them and I’m totally at peace with that.

  5. I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll ever find anyone because I’m never comfortable socializing, never had a close friend so it’s hard to conceive that I could be with an SO. I’m not a very sexual person so I could live without it. I guess I’m looking for someone to calm me down, in every way. Sounds quite shallow but that’s what love means to me — I always feel like I’m on survival mode and it would be nice to relax

  6. The right person to lose it too. There’s no point in going out and just hooking up with someone after waiting this long.

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