Me (21f) had a relationship about a year and a half ago with a guy that lives in Sweden. I have never dated a European guy before and I hadn’t ever left America. I fell madly in love with him and the country. After we broke up I literally can not be attracted to any American guy. I live very far away from Sweden so the odds of me meeting another Swedish guy are slim to none. I know this may sound really shallow but it’s just the truth of the matter. I love the accent and the language. He lived up north in this little village type of place. He had a really close group of friends that were like brothers. The beliefs he held and the way he lived his life was just something I admired. I know all Swedish guys won’t be that way, but I don’t find any other type of guy attractive. Help me.

Edit: I do actually find some Americans attractive but not enough to date them is what I really meant.

  1. Seems like you need to either move to Sweden, or get over it and be open to different people. 🤨

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