I saw a girl at my college last week. I haven’t really spoken to her, but seeing her like that struck a cord in my cold dead heart, and now i cant stop thinking about it.

Its half term now, and as i don’t know her contacts i have to wait for college to start back up again.

Would it be acceptable to approach and ask her if she’s doing okay? I was in a similar position and empathised, and i kinda want to get to know her, but i’m unsure.

  1. >Would it be acceptable to approach and ask her if she’s doing okay?

    Yes, of course — why wouldn’t it? After that, you could tell her about this …

    >seeing her like that struck a cord in my cold dead heart, and now i cant stop thinking about it.

    … and this …

    >I was in a similar position and empathised, and i kinda want to get to know her, but i’m unsure.

    [Do it!](https://genius.com/Motorhead-keep-your-powder-dry-lyrics)

  2. Do it. People like when other genuinely care about them. I’d be happy if someone who saw me cry manifested empathy, even if I don’t know them. Deep inside, I think we all want others to make us feel like we matter.

  3. i was always taught, if you see someone crying, you go up to them and say “awwww, its because of the haircut huh…..”

  4. I think if you have class with her or see her a on a regular basis it would be ok. Though be prepared if she doesn’t want to take it any further than that

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