I met someone on Discord and last month and we talked a lot and played games/watched shows a bit together. But he’s super clingy and it’s turning me off a lot, and I stopped enjoying really talking to him or playing with him.

For example, I can’t ever be online without him messaging me to join me, or join my friends I’m playing with. Like he’ll even view our game and be like “oh it looks like you have a free spot :)” or like “oh I saw you played without inviting me” and it’s really offputting.

He also messages me every day almost constantly and I really don’t want to reply. We have a different sense of humor and beyond video games and some TV we have different interests but he keeps messaging me like meaningless stuff like “wyd rn” or “how was your day” and I don’t want to engage in those meaningless conversations where it feels like I have to reply and it goes nowhere like small talk. I don’t “vibe” with him like I do with my friends.

Now this person is genuinely a kind and understanding and mature person. He just seems way more sociable than me (and he’s like a decade older than me, and even though I’m a young adult that’s still quite an age gap). He’s a good person and I don’t want to just “ghost” him out of nowhere.

I’ve been careful and he doesn’t have my social media, only my Discord and a server we are mutual on but don’t really use that often. Is there any polite way of saying “I don’t really like you all that much as a friend nor acquaintance so stop messaging me thanks?” Because again this guy isn’t a bad guy. He’s just not someone I really enjoy hanging out with anymore. It’s mostly me, not him.

1 comment
  1. I would just tell him how you feel, don’t be aggressive putting him down, just calm and collected, give examples maybe to try to help him understand, if he reacts aggressive or responds inappropriately, I’d just ghost him/block, another option if you don’t want to completely cut him off. You can either go the “I want/need some space from you” and either temporarily block if needed or see if he actually listens and gives you the space you requested. Maybe after a break or hearing it it will register, they’ll start to envision it from your pov, and adjust their behaviors towards you. But that’s up to you. Lastly you could try to establish some boundaries and see if he will respect them, if he’s the good guy you say he is then he will, if not then perhaps he’s not worth your time

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