I’m in a friends group with 3 others gay guys including me. Their names are “Ronnie”, “Mike” and “Pauly”. I’m Vinny.

We used to be coworkers. I’ve known them for years. We usually go out or get margs every so often. Ronnie and Pauly are boyfriends

Everytime I send a meme or a tiktok sometimes no one will reply. and even if they I usually always the last person to text.

but Mike will send tiktoks or memes they will reply. I always make sure I reply and acknowledge them.

sometimes Mike will be at Ronnie and Pauly’s house without me. and he will call me and ask if i’m going out. and i just find it weird that they never invite me over to their place like they do Mike.

It’s to the point that I don’t send anything because I know it could get ignored and no one will say anything. I don’t even initiate plans to go out because I know they could be ignored.

but we will hang out. like i was at their new year’s eve party and we all seemed to have fun. but it just seems like it’s like pulling teeth to get them to reply to a text when i send it in the group chat

but it doesn’t seem to be the same for others in the group

(also obviously those aren’t are real names)

  1. Try talking to your friends individually about your feelings, as they might not even realize you feel left out.. Maybe they just don’t know what to say in response to the memes or tiktoks you’re sending, but would love to do other stuff with you. Try inviting them to something you’re interested in, like a movie, and see if they’re open to hanging out. Remember, you deserve to feel included in your friend group, so speak up and let them know how you feel. If that doesn’t work, you should reevaluate that friendship.

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