I moved to USA about 6 months ago…But my English is not that great and I’m constantly worried whether I’ll mess up saying something….That’s why I only talk little to nothing at school….I used to be quite good a making friends and wasn’t afraid talking to others…but this whole new situation made it hard to find friends…One of the most frustrating reasons is that I don’t have any topic to talk to others and my conversations are mostly dry…During lunch I sit alone outside cafeteria… I really want to change this…I can confidently chat with some girls from school but can’t talk to them in person…That’s why I need all you, my brothers and sisters’s help in making friends…it would be a lot easier if you’ll give me step by step instructions to make some friends and overcome my social fears

1 comment
  1. Making friends in a new country with limited language skills can be challenging. Joining clubs or groups based on your interests is a great way to meet like-minded people, making conversation easier. You can also try volunteering, attending events, or joining language exchange programs to meet new people. Practicing your English with online language tutors or language exchange apps can help you gain confidence in speaking. It’s important to be yourself and show genuine interest in other people. Be open to trying new things and making mistakes. Making friends takes time, but don’t give up. Keep putting yourself out there, and you’ll eventually find your people.

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